Hole in the Dyke


The Stedelijk is back!

Today Her Majesty the Queen will open the new Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam following a decade-long renovation project. Tomorrow the museum will be open to the public again. Shown above Marlene Dumas's controversial portrait of Osama bin Laden that the museum recently required.

Sat, September 22, 2012 - 2:09

Animated gifs

Normally I don't fancy animated gifs that much, but these fashion cinemagraphs created by Jamie Beck and Kevin Burg are quite intriguing…

Wed, September 12, 2012 - 7:43

New identity Rijksmuseum

The Rijksmuseum in Amserdam has been under renovation since 2003 and will see its reopening next year with a design by Spanish architects Cruz y Ortiz. Last week the Rijksmuseum introduced their new logo and identity, designed by Irma Boom with custom lettering by Paul van der Laan of Bold Monday, replacing the 32-year-old logo designed by Studio Dumbar. (shown below)

Fri, August 31, 2012 - 1:33

Just another friend

Just another great video by Dragan Mileusnić; not " just another friend" . Together with Resident Alien (words+voice), Željko Serdarević, Mladen Đikić (music+production), Davor Gazde (voice recording) and Tomo Unušić (mastering).

Thu, August 23, 2012 - 1:52

New identity Stedelijk Museum

In this video Armand Mevis and Linda van Deursen talk about the development of the new identity for the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam.

Thu, August 09, 2012 - 2:37

Leaf Alphabet

Graphic designer Twan van Keulen has cut the alphabet out of leaves to create a leaf typography. Every leaf was cut precisely so the inner and outer form stayed intact. The results will be soon available as a poster print, for more information check his facebook.

Wed, August 01, 2012 - 10:40

Romanza Brava

Romanza Brava suggests something different, but sounds pretty much like Wild Romance. Recorded with my iPhone. Still believe than I can win, yeah!

Tue, July 31, 2012 - 12:55

Ready made

Jacob Dahlgren makes art with brand new things that you can buy in any hardware store. This one is called 'Endless cut'.

Tue, July 31, 2012 - 12:15

New Rafaël

Rafaël Rozendaal is a visual artist who uses the internet as his canvas. Although he normally works where ever he opens up his laptop, he is now (thinking of?) setting up a studio in New York. His latest websites are Open this Window and Inner Doubts.

Thu, July 19, 2012 - 3:57

Smoking kids

Belgian photographer Frieke Janssen 'constructed' pictures of Smoking Kids after seeing a YouTube video of chain-smoking 2-year old child in Indonesia. Of course there were no real cigarettes on set. Instead, chalk and sticks of cheese were used as cigarettes while candles and incense provided the smoke. You can watch the video of the photoshoot here

Tue, July 03, 2012 - 11:59


Elise (Maria Brants) suffers from a severe form of dementia called frontotemporal dementia. Her husband (Ton Feil) and son (Bram Gerrits) also suffer the consequences of her disease. This film was made for the 48 hour film project Amsterdam 2012 by Independent Film Artists Network. Story by Jurriaan Strous and Oscar Paling. Bravo Maria, great job!

Tue, June 26, 2012 - 1:04

People you may know

http://www.holeinthedyke.com/images/hitd-news/people_you_may_know.jpg http://www.holeinthedyke.com/images/hitd-news/joining_a_group.jpg
"The Social Network" is a series of humorous photographic illustrations by Nicols Ritter about facebook specific vocabulary and staging of banal things in social networks.

Tue, June 26, 2012 - 12:49

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