Hole in the Dyke
Vooronder 34
9733 EH Groningen
Great images from Swedish agency RBG6, check out their stop-motion projects as well!
Mon, June 28, 2010 - 2:22
Big Pollution
As we now hear that budget cuts and deregulation seem to be the cause of the current oil disaster we can only guess where the next ' uncalculated accident' will occur. At least the current BP oil crisis is inspiring many artists ...
Sun, June 20, 2010 - 3:48
Sigmar Polke
German painter, graphic designer and photographer Sigmar Polke passed away last night. Together with Gerhard Richter he was one of the most important and inspiring contemporary German artists. Polke was known for using many different styles and forms of expression in his work, like this 'Höhere Wesen befahlen: rechte obere Ecke schwarz malen!' (Higher spirits commanded:paint the top right corner black!)
Fri, June 11, 2010 - 3:54
Covered in oil
AP Photographer Charlie Riedel shot these images of seabirds caught in the oil slick on a beach on Louisiana's East Grand Terre Island.
Fri, June 11, 2010 - 2:42
Border zones
Great work by Belgian artist Pieter Vermeersch who explores the borders of painting and photography with his installations.
Fri, June 11, 2010 - 2:05
Free fall
Free Fall is a video made by free-diver world champion Guillaume Néry and Julie Gautier. You can see Guillaume doing a base jump into Dean’s Blue Hole. Although it is a fictional and artistic project, they made this movie to show another approach to free-diving videos. Julie Gautier filmed everything with a Canon 5D Mark II, holding her breath the entire time.
Thu, June 10, 2010 - 7:10
Ed van der Elsken’s ‘Unfinished’
Tokyo Symphony was ment to be Ed van der Elsken's hommage to Japan. The installation was never finished due to his early death at age 60. The 1.600 images and the five audiotapes belonging to the project, that were discovered in 2007, made it possible to posthumously realize the Tokyo Symphony in the spirit of van der Elsken. To be seen until june 20 at the Nederlands Fotomuseum in Rotterdam.
Mon, June 07, 2010 - 2:05
City One Minutes wins European Design Awards
Follow what happens from hour to hour in more than hundred cities on cityoneminutes.org. Artists from all over the world have participated in recording city life in one-minute films. The site was designed by Max Kisman and Matthe Stet. The European Design Festival, an initiative by fourteen European Design agencies, took place in Rotterdam last weekend.
Tue, June 01, 2010 - 12:57
Impossible but true
Philippe Ramette designs situations in which he defies gravity with the help of what he calls ' sculpture structures'.
Sun, May 30, 2010 - 11:25
The art of box stacking
Osaka based architect Mitsumo Matsunami designed ten studio and duplex apartments on 1200 square feet of land including a parking space for two cars and storage rooms on the ground floor.
Sun, May 30, 2010 - 11:22
Here is the latest project from Mileusnic/Serdarevic (Dragan and Zeljko). These video's for Zhizon (see YouTube) were shot and created in their living room with almost no budget.
Mon, May 17, 2010 - 1:55
“Happy street”
Dutch designer and artist John Körmeling contributes with his "Happy street", a road in the shape of a rollercoaster which you can walk on with buildings alongside it. Photo: Frans Schellekens