Hole in the Dyke
Vooronder 34
9733 EH Groningen
Delft blue
To stay with pottery... above a porcelain tea cup and pistol by Yvonne Lee Schultz and a Delft blue work by spraycan-and stecil artist Hugo Kaagman featuring the legendary Dutch singer Willy Alberti.
Sun, September 19, 2010 - 11:46
Dry clean or dishwasher?
Li Xiaofeng is a Chinese artist who makes sculptural clothing from broken pottery. Not only beautifull but apparently even wearable.
Sat, September 18, 2010 - 1:48
My Daily Pictures can now be seen in detail!
See image. Click on the images to pop-up larger versions.
Sat, September 11, 2010 - 2:50
Amazing pictures showing everyday life in Shanghai made by Alain Delorme. His "Manufactured Totems" series can be seen untill september 25 at Galerie Magda Danysz, 78 Rue Amelot 75011 Paris. Check out his "Little Doll" series as well.
Fri, September 10, 2010 - 11:29
Child-in-the-road sticker
A Canadian safety awareness group called Preventable put a 13 meter long 3D illusion of a little girl on a busy West Vancouver intersection near a school. Before drivers approach the image, they pass a sign by Preventable that reads, "You’re probably not expecting kids to run out on the road."
Fri, September 10, 2010 - 8:48
Jon Naar
Legendary photographer Jon Naar is an internationally acclaimed photographer and author. His Faith of Graffiti(1974) with an introduction by Norman Mailer, is an iconic collector's item.
Thu, September 09, 2010 - 3:30
Recycled bottle caps
Israeli designer Yoav Kotik creates colourfull jewelery made from recycled bottle caps.
Wed, September 08, 2010 - 2:47
Sergey Larenkov
Russian photographer Sergey Larenkov makes the past come alive by taking old World War II photos and photoshoping them over more recent shots.
Wed, September 08, 2010 - 2:46
I've seen lots of bubbles in my days... but these?
Tue, September 07, 2010 - 5:19
FAKE! is a stencil artist from Amsterdam. The top image was found in the Spuistraat.
Tue, September 07, 2010 - 3:00
Boxi creates hand-cut multi-layered life-size stencils in a post apocalyptic grey romantic style.
Tue, September 07, 2010 - 2:52
Laptop stickers
Bored with your computer? Here some ideas to decorate your laptop (apple not included....)