Hole in the Dyke


Fluid Movements

http://www.holeinthedyke.com/images/hitd-news/shini.jpg http://www.holeinthedyke.com/images/hitd-news/shini1.jpg http://www.holeinthedyke.com/images/hitd-news/shini3.jpg http://www.holeinthedyke.com/images/hitd-news/shini4.jpg http://www.holeinthedyke.com/images/hitd-news/waterdress.jpg
The work of Shinichi Maruyama has some similarity to Van Herpens' Water Dress (photo below) in the sense that he also captures falling drops of fluid to create beautiful images.

Sat, May 07, 2011 - 12:28


Fascinating video by Dutch Profiles about sculptural fashion designer Iris van Herpen and her recent collaboration with choreographer Nanine Linning on the opera Madame Butterfy. Below: Iris van Herpen crystallized by Joost Vanderbrug.

Mon, April 11, 2011 - 5:46


There's definitely a hole in the dyke now as this picture proves. (thnx to Carsten for the photo)

Fri, April 08, 2011 - 7:36


Eight years of poster design by Paulina Matusiak in the Dutch Poster Museum (march 20 until may 15)

Tue, March 29, 2011 - 1:02

Let’s go

Leftboy for André Heller's Magnifico (thnx to Dragan for the link)

Mon, March 28, 2011 - 1:51

More Magnifico

Magnifico appearance on German television

Mon, March 28, 2011 - 1:44

Written portraits

http://www.holeinthedyke.com/images/hitd-news/written_portrets.jpg http://www.holeinthedyke.com/images/hitd-news/Barcelona-View1.jpg
Each year CPNB (Collective Promotion Dutch Literature) organises the Dutch Book Week to promote Dutch literature. This year's theme is the (auto) biography, translated in 'Written Portraits', inspired by Nicholas Galanin, who makes these kind of portraits physically. Since it was too complicated and time consuming to make them for real, Etcetera solely used CG to create the campaigns, that show Anne Frank, Vincent van Gogh, Louis van Gaal and Kader Abdollah. Souverein made the artwork. It also reminded me of the work of Brian Dettmer (photo below).

Sat, March 19, 2011 - 10:27

New trend in logo design?

Retail giant JCPenney is rebranding themselves with a crowdsourced
(JCP used design schools and ad agencies to do the free concepts for this logo change) logo redesign, changing it to all lower cap letters inside a little square. Simular to what we have seen with the GAP square recently. Of course the ‘jcp’ portion of the logo is a 'ready made' avatar for social media sites like Twitter and Facebook, but the logo also reads like J.C.P. enney....

Sat, March 19, 2011 - 9:46

Who copied who?

http://www.holeinthedyke.com/images/hitd-news/Rio2016_logo.jpeg http://www.holeinthedyke.com/images/hitd-news/matissedance.jpg http://www.holeinthedyke.com/images/hitd-news/telluride-foundation-logo.png http://www.holeinthedyke.com/images/hitd-news/carnaval2004.jpg
Hours after unveiling the new logo for the Rio 2016 Olympics, Brazilian media were quick to claim that the design looked remarkably like the logo for The Telluride Foundation, based in Colorado. The Brazilian agency that created the logo, denied the accusations of plagiarism, telling newspaper reporters that the company did extensive research to guarantee the design was unique. The general concept of people embracing each other is not new, as we now from 'the Dance' by Matisse. Besides that, the Telluride Foundation seems to have done some copying themselves….

Sat, March 19, 2011 - 9:39

What design can do

http://www.holeinthedyke.com/images/hitd-news/MVRDV2.jpg http://www.holeinthedyke.com/images/hitd-news/MVRDV1.jpg http://www.holeinthedyke.com/images/hitd-news/MVRDV3.jpg
'WHAT DESIGN CAN DO' is an upcoming international event at the Stadsschouwburg in Amsterdam (May 26 and 27) where the power of design and it's problem-solving ability will be celebrated. Featuring amongst others Oliviero Toscani, Jurgen Bey, Thonik, Frank Tjepkema, Ted Noten and (images) MVRDV Architects.

Thu, March 10, 2011 - 5:18

Opening soon

http://www.holeinthedyke.com/images/hitd-news/z1.jpg http://www.holeinthedyke.com/images/hitd-news/z2.jpg http://www.holeinthedyke.com/images/hitd-news/z3.jpg http://www.holeinthedyke.com/images/hitd-news/z4.jpg http://www.holeinthedyke.com/images/hitd-news/z5.jpg
DermaClinic, Medispa Zwolle. Here the first impressions. See website for more information

Fri, March 04, 2011 - 1:17


Using tear-shaped punching bags, steel wire and aluminum pipes artist and sculptor Michael Kalish has created an inspiring monument that pays tribute to one of the greatest boxers of all time, Muhammad Ali.

Fri, March 04, 2011 - 1:04

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